
What Is GAAP in Accounting? The Importance of Financial Reporting Standards.

Accounting and financial mismanagement happen in one of two ways: individuals make mistakes, or inconsistent accounting standards make mistakes inevitable. GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) is the cure to systemic accounting failures and one of the key markers of a mature business.

Want to grow your business? Sell your business? Then, let’s talk about GAAP and how to implement it.

Are there errors in your accounting processes?

Accounting errors affect every aspect of your business: administration, hiring, operations, strategy, and tax efficiency. Diligence goes a long way, but the most effective way to mitigate errors is to implement a process that is specific and simple.

Enter GAAP—a set of principles created to standardize accounting practices across businesses—no matter the industry or location. Think of GAAP as a shared language. It ensures compliance in financial reporting, accuracy in bookkeeping and accounting, and transparency within a framework that is complete, consistent, and universal.

Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) were created to standardize financial reporting.

The 1929 stock market crash was a nasty wake-up call for the accounting profession. The economic devastation exposed the obvious need for more transparency in financial markets.

The Accounting Principles Board (APB) played a pivotal role in the evolution of GAAP. In 1973, it was replaced by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), which was formed to ensure accounting practices continue to meet the needs of a constantly changing economic landscape.

Additionally, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) was established in 1984. It focuses on creating GAAP for state and local governments, emphasizing fairness and transparency.

GAAP has ten core accounting principles.

1. Regularity demands strict adherence to established guidelines. To ensure the integrity of your financial reports, you must consistently follow official accounting standards.

2. Consistency is crucial for comparability across financial periods. Apply consistent standards to all financial statements.

3. Sincerity ensures your financial statements reflect your company’s actual financial situation. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and impartiality of your books and the practices your business uses to produce financial statements.

4. Permanence of methods stabilizes your financial reporting process. Use consistent procedures when creating and publishing financial reports to reduce the opportunity for omissions and fraud.

5. Non-compensation mandates complete transparency in reporting all aspects of performance. You must fully report both gains and losses. Don’t manipulate the numbers to seek a preferred outcome.

6. Prudence requires caution when preparing a financial statement. Prepare your company’s statements conservatively. Do not overstate your assets and income or understate your liabilities and expenses.

7. Continuity assumes the ongoing operation of the business. When valuing your company, you should always assume that the business will continue to function in the future.

8. Periodicity involves the appropriate allocation of financial events into the correct accounting periods. Report revenues by standard accounting periods, such as fiscal quarters or fiscal years.

9. Materiality dictates that all significant information must be disclosed. You must report all information that could influence decisions made by users of your financial statements.

10. Utmost good faith is expected in all financial reporting. Honesty and integrity should govern your actions and the actions of everyone involved in preparing and presenting your financial statements.

GAAP-compliant accounting principles are at the heart of every healthy business.

GAAP accounting plays a crucial role in financial reporting, setting the foundation for the mandatory filing of GAAP-compliant financial statements. The standards are not just about compliance but about maintaining transparency so all players can make informed decisions.

1. Set up proper accounting systems.

A robust accounting system should be capable of accurately capturing all relevant financial data in compliance with GAAP. This includes everything from daily transactions to more complex financial events.

2. Perform regular financial reviews and auditing.

Regular reviews and audits ensure your financial reporting aligns with GAAP standards. This is vital not just for compliance but also for insights into your business’s health.

GAAP benefits you, the business owner, the most.

  1. Credibility: You have to be credible to earn the trust of partners and stakeholders.
  2. Attractive Financial Statements: GAAP-compliant financial reporting sets the stage for investors and equity partners.
  3. Avoid Audits, Fines, and Penalties: GAAP-compliant accounting keeps your business in line with IRS expectations.
  4. Loans and Funding: Banks and investors often require GAAP-compliant reports to assess risk accurately, making it easier for you to secure funding.
  5. Efficiency: The universality of GAAP-compliant practices makes it easy to communicate clearly between different companies, departments, and accountants.

Complying with GAAP isn’t complicated, but doing it efficiently is.

Let’s get your books in order. That’s the first step to aligning the financial and operational sides of your business, and it’s what you need to do now if you want to sell your company in the future.

Schedule a discovery call today. I look forward to hearing from you.

Talk soon,
Jeremy A. Johnson, CPA

Meet the Author

Jeremy A. Johnson is a Fort Worth CPA who combines strategic tax planning, accounting, CFO services, and business advisory services into a single, end-to-end solution for growth-stage businesses.

Jeremy writes for small business owners who need actionable information on tax strategy, efficient accounting practices, and plans for long-term growth.

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