
Articles: Financial Planning

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Financial planning means having a robust strategy to meet your short- and long-term goals. Jeremy A. Johnson, CPA specializes in financial planning.

What is Tax Aggressiveness? Five Reasons You Need It.

What is Tax Aggressiveness? Five Reasons You Need It.

Real tax aggression is a relentless pursuit of improvement in process and knowledge: from tighter bookkeeping, accounting, tax planning, and financial leadership to actionable knowledge of the latest changes that present opportunities for my clients.

What Does a CPA Do For a Small Business?

What Does a CPA Do For a Small Business?

Business owners want to know what they get for what they spend, and CPAs are no exception. Here are the high-impact benefits and outcomes of hiring a quality CPA. Is it worth the cost? You decide.

How to Keep Track of Business Expenses

How to Keep Track of Business Expenses

How to keep track of business expenses at scale? I asked a CEO and bookkeeper about habits and processes. Surprise! It’s actually simple.

How to Choose a Business Bank Account

How to Choose a Business Bank Account

More than a quarter of small businesses rely on a personal bank account instead of a dedicated business account¹, and almost half use personal...

Is Depreciation Tax Deductible?

Is Depreciation Tax Deductible?

Is depreciation tax deductible? Which assets can and can not be depreciated? Stay informed with my comprehensive guide to depreciation.