Accelerated depreciation, part of the TCJA, offered 100% depreciation for assets in a single year. Now, it’s 80%. What’s next?
Articles: Small Business Taxes
The latest newsworthy items
Straight talk on tax planning, accounting, and financial strategies your company needs to grow fast and smart.
Tax Implications of Selling Investment Property at a Loss
Selling investment property at a loss is not ideal. Learn how to use capital losses to offset capital gains and income tax to soften the blow.
Tax Season Never Stops
Tax planning is a year-round sport, and there are winners and losers. Winners recognize that tax reduction is the same as any other business function. There’s no off-season.
What Is Tax Planning?
What is tax planning? It’s a process that reduces personal and business tax liability starting now and extending into retirement. Learn more.
How to Avoid Self-Employment Taxes for LLCs
The numerous small business taxes can be a killer, and in large part that’s because a lot of business owners don’t know how to avoid self-employment...
A Simple Reason Why You Should Start Marketing
Marketing is critical for small businesses. It’s also tax deductible. Get the details here.
How to Depreciate a Car for Business
Learn how to depreciate a car for business, account for depreciation, and claim lucrative tax credits.
What’s the Penalty for Filing Business Taxes Late?
If your small business faces a tax penalty for filing business taxes late, this article is for you. Here's what you'll learn: How late filing &...
5 Important Documents Needed For Small Business Taxes
With tax season in full swing, small business owners need to know what documents are needed for small business taxes and how these documents help...